Down to Business: Key Growth Insights from Industry Gurus

Apr 30, 2024

A group photo of Thabojan Rasiah and other symposium attendees

Last month, our very own Thabojan attended a highly valuable Practice Management Symposium held in Sydney. Joined by representatives from other leading firms, the event was a vibrant hub for sharing insights and learning from our financial planning peers.

A Celebration of Excellence in Financial Advice

It was truly heartening to witness the exemplary quality of advice being provided by firms dedicated to enhancing the financial well-being of Australians. The air was buzzing with enthusiasm and a shared commitment to excellence that left everyone inspired.

A photo of the 3 speakers on stage

Sharing and Learning: A Two-Way Street

We pride ourselves on our pioneering practices and were thrilled to share these with our peers. However, the learning was definitely a two-way street. We gained invaluable insights into the strategies employed by some of Australia’s leading financial planning businesses—strategies that have significantly benefited their clients.

Global Insights on Local Ground

One of the highlights of the symposium was the unveiling of research from Dimensional’s Global Advisor Study. This study gathers data from top-performing firms worldwide, offering a goldmine of information on how successful businesses not only thrive but also create remarkable outcomes for their clients.

Aligning Wealth with Values and Purpose

Our approach to connecting money and wealth with our clients’ values and purposes resonated strongly at the symposium. This philosophy has proven to be a key differentiator for us, adding depth and meaning to the financial planning process.

Unique Journey, Universal Interest

Our unique client wealth journey, structured with four distinct progress updates, piqued the interest of many attendees. This approach, tailored to keep our clients informed and engaged, was highlighted as a particularly innovative practice.

Committed to Continuous Improvement

True to one of our core values—We are never satisfied—we left the symposium more energized than ever to refine and enhance our practices. Our ongoing mission is to discover ever more effective ways to run a successful firm and to continually increase the value we provide to our clients, helping them achieve their most cherished life goals.

Learn more about our unique financial planning approach.

Rasiah Private Pty Ltd atf Rasiah Private Unit Trust ABN 59 410 604 890 trading as Rasiah Private Wealth Management is an Authorised Representative No. 1289146 and Credit Representative No. 532432 of FYG Planners Pty Ltd AFSL/ACL 224543 ABN 55 094 972 540.

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Rasiah Private Pty Ltd atf Rasiah Private Unit Trust ABN 59 410 604 890 trading as Rasiah Private Wealth Management is an Authorised Representative No. 1289146 and Credit Representative No. 532432 of FYG Planners Pty Ltd AFSL/ACL 224543 ABN 55 094 972 540.

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