High Returns with Low Risk: Can You Really Win?

Sep 23, 2024

At Rasiah Private Wealth Management, we often come across enticing offers that promise “safe investments with high returns” or the ability to “maximise gains and minimise losses.” While these slogans might catch your eye, it's crucial to approach them with a healthy dose of scepticism. Why? Because, as the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The Truth About Risk

Let’s start with a simple truth: no investment is without risk. Every opportunity, no matter how secure it appears, carries some level of uncertainty. For example: 

  • Keeping cash under the mattress? There’s the risk of theft. 

  • Running your own business? There’s a chance it might not succeed. 

  • Investing in U.S. Treasuries? Even the safest investment in the world carries the slim risk of a U.S. default. 

These risks might seem unlikely, but they’re real. What matters is understanding them and being comfortable with the level of risk you’re taking on. This is particularly important for those seeking personalised financial planning for retirees or looking to secure investment portfolio management services. 

Beware of Misleading Promises 

You’ve probably seen bold claims splashed across newspapers, the internet, or even recommended by well-meaning friends. But here’s the kicker: these promotions often downplay or obscure the real risks involved. They make it sound like you can’t lose, but the reality is quite different. 

Three Key Points to Consider 

  1. Return OF Capital, Not Just Return ON Capital The first rule of investing is simple: getting your money back matters more than the returns you earn. High returns mean nothing if you lose your initial investment. When you see investments boasting big promises or guarantees, ask yourself: who’s making the guarantee, and what are they really investing in? We’ve seen too many examples where investors chasing higher returns ended up with frozen funds or, worse, losing their money entirely. This is why working with a fee-only financial advisor in Melbourne who understands the risks can be invaluable. 

  2. Downside Protection in Shares Some products offer “downside protection,” but it's important to understand how this protection is achieved. Often, it involves complex financial instruments like futures and options, which can come with high fees that eat into your returns. A more straightforward approach? Invest in shares with a long-term perspective. This strategy smooths out the bumps in the market and reduces the risk of losing your capital permanently. This approach aligns with tax-efficient investment strategies for retirees that we often recommend. 

  3. The Risks of Playing It Safe For some, holding everything in cash might feel secure, but it’s not without its own risks. If your investments aren’t growing faster than inflation, your purchasing power could shrink over time. For most of us, it’s crucial to strike a balance—taking on some volatility in exchange for long-term growth that keeps pace with rising living costs. This balance is a key element of our comprehensive retirement planning services. 

The Bottom Line 

Marketing tactics are designed to lure investors, sometimes for the benefit of someone else. The best defense is understanding what you’re getting into and seeking advice from professionals who have your best interests at heart. 

At Rasiah Private Wealth Management, we’re here to guide you through these decisions, ensuring that your investments not only align with your financial goals but also with your values. After all, smart investing isn’t just about making money; it’s about making the right choices for your future. 

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Rasiah Private Pty Ltd atf Rasiah Private Unit Trust ABN 59 410 604 890 trading as Rasiah Private Wealth Management is an Authorised Representative No. 1289146 and Credit Representative No. 532432 of FYG Planners Pty Ltd AFSL/ACL 224543 ABN 55 094 972 540.

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